Thursday, April 10, 2008

Entry #5

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Major: He is not a main character, but he started this revolution, so he is a very important character in this novel. He was old and wise enough to get animals' attention and tell animals basic rules. Even though he dies first, he planted this idea in animals' brain; humans made animals miserble.

I did not like this character, because he chose the whole animals' future just by his dream. He
was not responsible with this idea, and did not even know what would happen.

He represents Lenin in Russia, who first brought communism. Communism was succesful in the beginning, until Lenin's death.

Snowball: He is the smart leader of animals. He knew that animals needed to learn human technmology to develop their farm, and he always had a solution to a problem. Although he was not strong enough to defend his power against Napoleon, but his ideas were always logical unlike Napoleon. He was a smart pig, but he falls to Napoleon's trap, and gets kicked out of the from the farm.

I like this character, because he at least tried to make the life better for animals. Unlike Napoleon what he tried to do was all for animals, and he did not fear to fight at the front in the war between Mr.Jones.

Snowball represents in Russia, who started with Stalin in the beginning, but he gets kicked out by stalin

Napoleon: He is the violent leader who starts the rebellion with snowball. He follows the rule that Lenin started, but as time went, he changed. He kicked Snowball out, because snowball was a strong rival to him, and he changed rules secretly from other animals.
At the end of the story, he acts like human and becomes friend with human.

I hate this character because I think he is the true traitor of animal farm. He was the leader for the whole farm, but he only made good rules for pigs, and became acted like a human, which is totally against their rule. He broke up the purpose of animals' revolution, and he just used animals as workers, forcing them with his power

Napoleon represents stalin, who was the communist leader in Soviet Union. He use Lenin's idea of politics, but he added violence in it.

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book