Thursday, April 10, 2008

Entry #4


Animal farm is a very short novel, however, the change in mood through out the story is so great. In the beginning, the mood is uprising. With major's persuasion, animals' moods are very hyper. Then, their rebellion begins. The mood is at the peak, at this point of time.

When snowball and Napoleon idea does not match, the mood is just like a bomb ready to explode. Then when snowball runs away, chased by Napoleon, the mood is hyper and shocking again.When snowball runs away, Napoleon asks other animals to build the windmill again. The animals are curious, and the mood is ironic.Then the mood gets gloomy, because of Napoleon's rules.

Animals are suffering out of hard work, and Napoleon's greed is getting higher and higher. Whenever animals are starving to death, Napoleon's lies make them feel great while their hard work. Animals are being used, but the mood is happy again because the windmill is fininshed. In the last scene the mood is sad.

I think the animals realizes what Napoleon's been doing. Their leaders are playing and acting just like a human. This part saddens me because, it's too late for animals to realize the originality of Napoleon, since Napoleon's power grew so great now.

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book