Thursday, April 10, 2008

Entry #3


Climax in Animal Farm is when Snowball gets kicked out of the farm by force. Napoleon attacks Snowball without telling anyone, and Snowball, at his speech about his windmill, has to run away for his life.

Snowball was always logical and fair, so animals always had a fair work time. However, when snowbal was gone, Napoleon had made animals over work. Napoleon always made sure that everyone has no complains by his power. His dogs were always with him, escorting him from harm. And snowball, who had was a very intelligent pig, was a big rival to him. So Napoleon uses his trained dogs to attack snowball, who can be harmful in the process of becoming a leader.

Napoleon argues that this was something that he had to go through, because Snowball was a traitor. However, in reality, snowball was the pig who tried to make rules for all the animals in the farm. As a evidence, Napoleon slowly chages rules for himself, telling animals that its required.

Snowball's exile did not sadden anyone in animal farm because Napoleon made it clear that Snow ball was a traitor. However, after Snoballs exile, the farms heads to a very dark future, because Napoleon has become a dictator of the farm

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