Friday, March 7, 2008

entry # 5 Climax of the LORD OF THE FLIES

When Kids saw the monster. From this time, the conflicts started to arose.

To teenagers, fear can be critical to their faTith and thoughts. And this monster inside them, had drove kids them to chaos.

Simon, the first one to know the truth of monster, he talks with the Lord of the flies. after this he tries to warn the other kids. However, he gets killed by the fire. this is the climax of the story.

By the fire that they have made, Simon died. He did not have any chance to warn the other kids.

The reason why i chose this part as climax is because the first victim had come out at this part.

And this is where Kid started to change. From Simon's death, readers can see that kids have changed. And since Simon represents religion, the last hope is gone from the island, the only truth are gone from island.

This part of the story made sad, because Simon was my favorite character in the story. I liked him because of it's honest personality, and positive thoughts. After Simon's death, it felt like other people deserves to die. And as i thought, the story changed. Peaceful island became, cruel and no rules existed in there.

The scene where the forest gets on fire, was critical for me to choose this part as climax, because it's the first accident caused by kids on the island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said you thought the conflicts started arising when the kids saw the monster. However, the conflicts started arising from the moment Jack and Ralph met. When they first got together, they elected a leader. During the election, Jack became angry for not being elected. Evidently, even here savageness and civilization were conflicting. From this point forward, Jack started becoming more occupied with hunting, and Ralph started becoming more occupied with the group’s welfare. Then, the presence of the beast intensified the conflict.

What did you mean by “By the fire they made, Simon died?”
Simon wasn’t killed by the fire……
The kids wild and violent with the bloodthirsty chant tear Simon apart with their hands.

Yes, you are right when you said that this part is when the kids start to change. Simon, as the only source of natural kindness, has a death that causes all innocence to be gone.
However, I don’t think it is the climax, the point-of-no-return, because if it was, then Ralph would be different; he would not be able to continue the way he did before. Even though Ralph does feel uncomfortable about Simon’s death, he continues his life on the island, gathering wood for the fire and talking with Piggy.
The climax should be the ultimate point where the main character cannot return. As I said on my post, I think the climax is when the boys chase after Ralph and Ralph sees the officer. This is where the ultimate conflict between savagery and civilization is decided. After the climax Ralph will never be able to return to his former life. As it says in the resolution, he cries for his knowledge of the evil within all men: his loss of innocence.

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book