Friday, March 7, 2008

entry#4 Disturbing Setting

In the LORD OF THE FLIES, one setting disturbed me the whole time. And that setting is when forest gets on fire. This scene showed me how dangerous human's developing technology is.

Kids had some basic knowledge to survive in the island. They knew that they should hunt, and the knew that they need rules to control themselves. With Piggy's glasses, Ralf makes fire out of it. Since they new how to make fire, the glasses became so important, and the fire showed improvement in living of the kids. Fire made them feel secure and kept them warm, so Piggy's glasses became sort of authority among kids.

Fire has always been together with human beings. It was the first main technology, and all the technologies we have are from fire. In the story, too, fire makes kids life more comfortable on the island. However, fire was a dangerous thing to have. As teenagers, it was hard to take full control over everything. And soon, the fire burns the forest. Simon was killed by the fire as well.

This accident is an allegory towards the human technology these days. it's causing many accidents, going against the nature. The author tried to represent dangerousness of human technology can be. And the setting of burning forest helped me making sure of this book's theme

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book