Saturday, March 8, 2008

entry#6 Why do I like Simon so much?

In LORD OF THE FLIES, I loved the character Simon. Except Simon, everyone seemed hypocrites. They only pretended as if they care for everyone. Whenever something happens, Simon had keen opinions about it, and tried to look at it in different view. He had his own solution and tried to solve it.

I hate other characters in the story, because they left Simon to die in the burining forest. Simon was just trying to tell the truth about the monster. Anybody will get mad to know the truth.

However, the kids did not understand why Simon was so excited, so they let him die in the burining woods.

I had a chance to read an interpretation of LORD OF THE FLIES. This book was type of Allegory, author trying to tell what the originallity of human being is. All the characters, settings had their own role in the story. Simon was representing Religion, faith which humans have inside them.

In the book, Simon gets killed, but I hope it does not happen in the real life.


Jane Kim said...

Simon was a victim of evilness of human being. He was a martyr of wickedness. I want more details about the other characters, even though you're talking about Simon. For example, an analysis between Ralph and Simon, the side of virtue, why are the different character between them that represent good side? What will you do if there is a person like Simon in our own world?

Gina L said...

Simon wasn't an intelligent character because even though he had a few enlightened ideas, he was unable to express them verbally since he was too shy to talk in front of others. Although he represented the human beings' natural goodness, I think it was useless because no one knew the real truth.

Also, he wasn't involved in everything. He didn't want to communicate with others that he enjoyed his solitary in the forest. I think there wouldn't be any changes even if Simon, the character, was missing.

Soulja Mogli said...

Hey, CHARLIE, fair job. First of all, I can see grammar mistakes even from the first sentence. Grammar mistakes are also all throughout the blog continuously disturbing the flow. There are way too many. Second, Simon was speared, not abandoned in the burning forest to die, if my memory serves correct. Third, your blog is way too vague. I can't clearly understand what you are trying to get across. You do not support your reasons clearly. You have some ideas, but they are not organized correctly, with a nice, smooth flow. I also love Simon and he is my definitely my favorite character. I also agree about his intelligence and many great characters of him. I do believe he is not shy, but rather humble. You had some good ideas, but this blog was too vague

Anonymous said...

Although this is just my personal idea, your idea needed some work to describe what it was like then. Your answer needed reasons to support and organize them into a nice structure. Grammar mistakes, short paragraphs, and feeble and indirect statements are a little irritating as well. Let me comment a few things:

You said that everyone else except Simon was evil. True, they tore him apart, not knowing what they were actually doing. But as for Ralph, he sees and repents what he has done wrong. You cannot judge everyone as hypocrites just by saying that they killed him. You also cannot state out that Simon is the best kid in the island who was just telling the truth about ‘the beast’ with a very little amount of reasons (though I also liked Simon the most). Your answer needed to be smoothly connected altogether.

But it was interesting to read your opinion about Simon being the symbol of religion. I had never thought of it that way. Good job anyway, though it needs some work. ^^;

Jun Do said...
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Jun Do said...

First of all I want to tell you that you messed up hahah. It's not simon who died in the burning forest, it is the young ones. Anyways, I still agree with you that Simon is the faithful one. He dies from helping others, becoming the victum of evil.
I also don't like the fact that he was dead, and imagine what will it be like if i have a freind like him. i bet that it will be very good.:)
He really showed the part of humanity where we are kind, faithful, and helping, and how those beautiful things get smashed up to our evilness, such as fear, excitement, and stupidity.

t.mid said...

Just a few things to say to you, John-man. First, this is a pretty good post. I agree with you in saying that Simon is my favourite character in the story. He just seems like the one I can connect with most. I have many thoughts, and am believed by some to be crazy, even sometimes, by my own self. And he likes to be alone a lot, as do I. He also seems to think almost too much. I spend most of my life doing nothing but thinking, about pointless stuff, too, like "what ifs" and actually bellieving for some time that it may be true, just because there's no possible way to know that it isn't.... So, yeah, I connect well with Simon.

Not trying to critisize, but what you're trying to convey in your second paragraph doesn't really present itself to me very well. If you have the chance, please explain to me what you're trying to say, because I wuld love to hear your opinions.

I also agree with your interpretation of what symbol Simon is, or what he represents. He does symbolize religion, and I noted, as well, that Simon is a lot like a Christ-figure in this novel, and presents a great deal of morals to be learned by reading this book.

Well done, man.

James Kang said...

I too love Simon Charlie J Shin.
He was the most "good" character in the novel. He never seemed to do anything wrong. But I think such a person is extremely rare to come by. It was as if his personality had no flaws even in such extreme situations in the island. This suggests deeper symbolism under Simon's identity. In my opinion, he represents a God-figure who dies a sacrifical death to point a vital truth to the kids. That's the big reason he's my favorite character. Glad he is yours to Charlie.

Karine Choi said...

I'm sorry but Simon wasn't my famous character. I thought he was too independant and solitary to be interactive with others.

It was really sad when he was speared, not abandoned in the forest to die. But anyways you must've misread right? :D

anyways, i also liked the picture because it gave me a visual of how simon would've looked liked.

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book