Saturday, March 8, 2008

entry#1 Moral for teenagers in LORD OF THE FLIES

Because all the characters in LORD OF THE FLIES are teenagers, this novel had a bigger impact to readers. People think teenagers have no Teenagers in this novel seems to be smart and nice, but they were not mature enough to follow rules that they have made. Teenagers in the novel are abandoned without any grown ups.They have no one to lead them and take care of themselves. In the beginning, they seem to know how to survive in the island, without anyone helping them. They set up their own rules, and chose a leader(Ralf) to lead them.The rules that they have made shows that these teenagers have civilized thoughts and concepts. But the rules were easy to break, and because they were teenagers In the beginning of the story, it seems like these teenagers will have fun in the island until the rescuers rescue them.However, the monster in the story, shakes young teenagers mind, and conflict started to arise.Jack and Ralf had different thoughts. Jack wanted to be an absolute leader, when Ralf tried to listen to everyone, treating them equally.

When teenagers finds out about monster, their conflicts arose. And finally, Jack takes over Ralf's place with his friends, without knowing that the monster was a dead pig's body.In my opinion, author tried to represent pig as a Satan's trap. This dead monster woke teenager's cruel originality. Even Satan comes out in the story as Lord of the flies.When Simon finds out about the truth of the monster, the Lord of the flies talks to Simon.Simon, one of the most important characters, represents Religion. Simon tries to warn other kids about the lord of the flies, but other kids does not know what Simon is trying to tell. Eventually, Simon gets killed by other survivors on the island.This is the time when kids gets violent. Simon was the first victim, and he was the first one to find out the truth about the monster.

This part gives lots of morals to teenagers, because it tells us how easy we can fall into Satan's trap. When Simon tried to help, no one listened to them, by Satan's interrupt.Teenagers in the story knew what to follow, but like Adam and Eve, they fell into Evil side of human being's original nature. So this story tells us how dangerous it is to fall into Satans trap, and how important listening to God's warnings are.


Karine Choi said...
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Karine Choi said...

I partly agree with someone of your what you say for the moral teenagers in the lord of the flies. There's always someone who starts the wrong doings and there's someone who always does the right thing. Just like Jack and Ralph.
I liked how you compared the way of evil through the stories of the bible. When you talked about how Adam and Eve has gotten the evil sides of others.
good job :D

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Lord of the flies I don't really understand this book